Prof. Dr. Atapia O. Atapia
Bishop; Professor; Dr. Atapia Owayibuekpo Atapia
A Professor of Religious education and Theological Studies at Tennessee Christian University, Tennessee, USA,
A resourcefully trained self-motivated Bishop, Professor, Administrator, Author, and Leader with substantial experience in Church Administration, Counselor, Educational Management, and Family Ministries Relationship Management. An astute Christian Author with excellent analytical and numeric skills with a reasonable level of computer proficiency in Microsoft application packages (Microsoft word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc)
- Marital Status: Married.
- Hobbies: Research, Writing, Traveling, Jigging, and Singing Christian Songs.
Canterbury University Th.D Theological Studies
Pacific Western University Ed.D Educational Administration and Planning Northwestern Theological Seminary Ph.D. Christian Education
Northwestern Theological Seminary MTh Christian Education Alameda University Ph.D. Biblical Studies
Andrews University MAPmin
Andrews University BA Theology
Imo State University B.Ed (B.Sc) Education Health Community Secondary School, Ihugbogo SSCE
Present Position:
Founder/Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Remnant Adonijah University Limited; Administrator, MD/CEO, Chairman, Remnant School of Science and Technology; Rector, Pacific Western University, USA; External Dean Nigeria Learning Center, Fort Jones University, USA; External Dean Nigeria Learning Center, Texila American University, Guyana, USA; Professor of Educational Research and Development; Professor/Faculty Member-Oxbridge University of Killmurry, UK, Professor of Religious education and Theological Studies at Tennessee Christian University, Tennessee, USA.
A. Work Experience
- Lecturer, in Religious Education, Faculty of Theological and Religious Studies-online Research, Tennessee Christian University, Tennessee, USA, 2003.
- Assistant Professor (On-Track to be an "Associate Professor") of Religious education, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Africa International Institute for Professional Training and Research, Tennessee Christian University., December 3rd, 2007 - August 7th, 2009.
- Associate Professor (On-Track to be a "Full Professor") Research Fellow of Post-Doctoral Degree Studies of Religious education at Faculty of Religious and Theological education
Tennessee Christian University, September, 15th 2009- August 23rd, 2012.
- Professor ("Full Professor", i.e. upon exhausting all normally-expected promotions) of Religious education and Theological Studies at Faculty of Religious education, Tennessee Christian University, 7th March 2013-till date.
- Visiting Senior Lecturer at Department of Religious education, Gethsemane Christian University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria- June 1st 2011-November 29th, 2012.
- Visiting Professor of Religious education, Faculty of Theology, Mercy University, December 29th 2012 to June 2013.
- Visiting Professor of Religious education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tennessee Christian University., USA, December 20th 2012 - till date.
- Fellow, Institute of Entrepreneurs and Administrators
- Fellow, Chartered Institute of Entrepreneur Management of Nigeria
- Fellow, Chartered Institute of Educational Management and Administration
- Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arts Management & Professionals
- Fellow, Chartered Institute of Security and Forensic Studies
- Member, Adventist Theological Society (ATS)
- Member, Adventist Writers Association(AWA)
- Member, Adventist Professional Network(APN)
- Member, International Christians Writers Association(ICWA)
- Member, International Ministers& Clergy Association(IMCA)
- Member, World Christian Publishers(WCP)
- Member, Preach It Organization(PIO)
- Member, Theological Research Exchange Network(TREN)
- Member, Adventist Ministers Association of Ekpeye(AMAE)
- Member, Christian Faith Writers International (CFWI)
- Member, Pan African Adventist Health Professionals(PAHP)
- Member, Advocacy for Community Peace and Conflict Resolution
1. |
Shelter in the Time of Storm |
2. |
You and Your Doctor |
3. |
Your Health in Your Hands |
4. |
Divine Leadership |
5. |
Marriage Foundation |
6. |
Oh, Lord Speak to Me |
7. |
Growing Up into Christ |
8. |
Wrestle with God 1st Edition |
9. |
Wrestle with God 2nd Edition |
10. |
Health is Wealth |
11. |
Channel of Blessings |
12. |
Health Hazards |
13. |
Family Altar |
14. |
Guide to Writing Quality Research Papers and Statistics |
Prof. Atapia has published in over 40 reputable journals globally.