An Assessment Of Nigerian Newspaper Coverage Of Child Domestic Labour
Ojigwo, Uloma Godsheart Department Of Mass Communication College Of Post Graduate Studies Gregory University Uturu And Prof Uwaoma Kalu Uche Department Of Mass Communication Gregory University Uturu Email U.uwaoma@gregoryuniversity
Volume 3, Issue 1, August 2023
This study examined an assessment of Nigerian Newspaper Coverage of Child Domestic Labour. The study was anchored on two theories: Agenda-Setting, Functional Theory. The study used the content analysis method. Three newspaper; The Guardian, The Punch, and the Sun were chosen for a period of one year 2010. The study adopted the multistage sampling technique and the constructed week sampling. 28 editions were studied totaling 84 editions for the three newspapers. The content categories for this study were; Prominence, Depth/Space, Genre/Forms of coverage. The result of the analyses showed that only six reports were found on child domestic labour. Three reports were covered in straight news format while three in features. None of the reports were given prominence as all were inside the newspapers. In conclusion, newspapers did not give sufficient coverage to child domestic work and did not consider the issue important enough to place the reports in prominent position. On the basis of the findings the study recommended that media reports on child domestic labour should be given priority in order to attract attention.